Coffee Table Books    
Sometimes in order to tell the full story about a muraling experience, it requires a coffee table book with photos, recipes and amazing tales.
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The Manual, How to paint a mural in Piedras Negras, Mexico

The director of the school in Piedras Negras had her welcome down to a science. I said she could write the manual on how to welcome a gringo. Then, I turned around and wrote it from what I learned.

Liberia, the Mural Man Returns to Africa

It was absolutely amazing to return to Liberia after so many years since my Peace Corps days. I met a lot of new friends as I painted in Zorzor and Zwedru and then I found my best friend way off in the bush.

Brasil 5456 KM, the Mural Man Paints Brasil

A group of students under the direction of Ge raised the money to bring me to Brasil to paint two murals. You are not truly welcomed to Brasil until a family of 400 students welcome you to their homeland.
US $92.20
US $175 (ish)
US $132.46
For whatever reason, the Liberia link doesn't work. However, if you want this book, I can order it for you and have it sent to you.

Bloom Where You Wander (regular, 32 pages)

This book contains 14 of my favorite flowers around the world and the tales that accompany them. Available with glossy cover and matte cover.

It's completely your call if you like a glossy cover or a matte cover. I personally like the look and feel of the matte cover. However, a glossy cover is much more durable if little fingers handle the book. Just a little FYI for you.

Bloom Where You Wander (Expanded, 64 pages)

Fourteen flowers was not enough color. I added another 32 pages of flowers from around the world. Available with glossy cover and matte cover.

US $32.95
US $45.95

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