
My first cookbook, Cooking Disasters, has some spectacular event requiring a bit of divine intervention in order for me to survive.  Next up, Cooking Wonders had no near brushes with death but a long list of wonderful events that I have experienced.  Now, let me tell you about Cooking Along My Path.  I think I have enjoyed assembling this one more than the others.  This cookbook is about some of the people who have crossed my path as I have wandered the globe.

In order to make it into this book, the person had to be interesting (I meet so many people who qualify for that.) and there had to be food involved.  As I look over the list of people in this book, they are from all over the globe.  Some of the people have been friends for decades.  Other people worked with me for a week or so on my mural projects.  Then, there are some who only had the briefest of encounters.  But, they impacted my life and needed to be included.  On some occasions, almost complete strangers invited me into their homes to eat.  You'll discover that I never turn down that kind of generous invitation.  So follow me as I wander through Morocco, Cambodia, Zambia, Zanzibar, Belgium, Turkey, Namibia, South Africa, Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Paraguay, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Liberia, Moldova, Transnistria, Fiji and Brazil.

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